ISA 5.1 P&ID Symbols

Artificial intelligence in control

List of practicals
1. First practical program - To study basics of MATLAB.
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2. Second practical - Write a program in MATLAB for the McCulloch-Pitts Neuron model.
Write code for
1. 2 inputs OR case
2. 2 inputs AND case
3. NOT case
4. 2 inputs NOR case
5. 2 inputs NAND case
6. 3 inputs AND case
7. 3 inputs OR case
8. 3 inputs NOR case
9. 3 inputs NAND case

3. Third Practical - Write a program in MATLAB for Hebbian and perception learning rule.
A. Discrete/Threshold type activation function
     1. Unipolar (means 0 to 1)
     2. Bipolar (means -1 to 1)
B. Continuous type activation function
     1. Unipolar (means 0 to 1)
     2. Bipolar (means -1 to 1)
C. Ramp/Linear type activation function
     1. Unipolar (means 0 to 1)
     2. Bipolar (means -1 to 1)

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